
If you have zero experience with software development and want to get started, following this article should be enough to begin.

  • Git: A program that you download which keeps track of the work you do (in each folder and file).
  • GitHub: A cloud platform where all your Git changes. Organizations store their lines of code on GitHub.
    • It enables individuals to interact/exchange stuff with the main codebase.
    • Create an account on GitHub. Now you can create a **copy of any organization’s code on your own account**; this process is called “forking.”

To begin, you first need to have certain things in your computer:

  • Git(official website):
    • For macOS:
      Make sure you have “homebrew” downloaded(if not, follow the instructions written here)
      Then run this in your “terminal”:
      brew install git
    • For Windows:
      You have to download the file from the internet for which instructions are available here.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
    • Download and install Visual Studio Code on your system (Google for a download link; VS Code is used to edit code and other files).

Think of everything as features:

  • A project is nothing but a bunch of features.
  • Different people program different features.
  • You’ll most likely make a feature in the software that doesn’t exist yet.


  • So, what did we learn here?
    • There’s a main codebase for the organization, on GitHub, which every team member (if allowed) can access and suggest changes.
    • There’s a fork (in each individual’s GitHub account) of that codebase:
      • How do these look? See below.

Some of the things in Rocket Tech’s Account will be:

rocket-tech-GSU/HPR_LVL1: rocke-tech-gsu/GroupProject_1:
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