In order to purchase large and powerful rocket engines capable of delivering payloads to high altitudes, we need certifications from the National Association of Rocketry (NAR). These NAR High Power Rocketry (HPR) certifications are granted on a per-person basis, so we need to acquire each level of these certifications several times over. That is, we will certify a particular once per launch (hopefully not per several launches) so that several members of Rocket Tech GSU have the ability to oversee high-power rocket launches and purchase the necessary engines. You can read some basic details about NAR’s HPR certifications here.

There are three levels to the HPR certification process; we’re planning to complete all three levels in time for some competitions in Winter 2024-2025.

  • We are aiming for a late March launch for the HPR Level 1 certification in Georgia.
  • We would like to perform an attempt at attaining the Level 2 certification by the end of this Spring 2024 semester.
  • At least one club member should obtain an HPR Level 3 certification by the end of October 2024.

Obtaining all of the NAR HPR certifications is a crucial first step towards establishing Rocket Technologies GSU as an upcoming competitor in national rocketry competitions. These frequent, small successes will serve to develop momentum for our organization and demonstrate to prospective sponsors that we are serious, capable rocketeers. Thus, it is absolutely vital that we prioritize this goal during our first year of operation.